化学工程与技术(学科代码:0817) 2017年4月修订 化学工程与技术学科是国家首批重点学科之一、上海市重中之重学科之一,是国内最早成立的化学工程、化学工艺专业,首批批准的化学工程、化学工艺博士、硕士点,首批博士后流动站,首批工程硕士招生点。学科发展注重前沿领域研究和多学科交叉,2005年批准成立材料化学工程和过程系统工程二级学科博士点。2008年进入国家“煤的清洁高效利用与石油化工关键技术”985优势学科创新平台行列。
一、培养目标 | 本学科致力于培养适应化学工程与技术等相关学科领域发展与现代化工经济建设的国际化工高端人才。要求研究生具有高度社会责任感、良好道德修养和学术品德,掌握坚实宽广的化学工程与技术基础理论和系统深入的专门知识,具备优良的创新能力、团队合作精神和宽广的国际视野,能在现代化工等领域和行业中胜任高水平研究开发、教育和管理等创新性工作。 | 二、培养年限 | 博士生学制为3-4年,培养年限不超过6年。课程学习成绩有效期自研究生入学开始为6年。 | 三、研究方向 | 1. 化学反应工程 2. 传质与分离工程 3. 化工热力学 4. 环境化学工程 5. 资源与能源化工 6. 化学工艺过程与高效装备 7. 化工过程系统工程 8. 材料化学工程 9. 产品工程 | 四、课程设置与学习 | 1. 博士生应完成不少于7学分的课程学习,一般在入学后的前4个学习单元内完成。 2. 根据资源共享的原则,鼓励永利博彩
研究生选修其他高校、学科具有优势、符合本学科培养要求的专业课程,经导师和学院核准后,承认其学分。 3. 研究生课程学习实行学分制,课程不及格的研究生可在学制内参加重考或重修相同性质的课程;参加重考或重修的研究生必须经选课后取得考试资格,重考与他届研究生同卷同堂进行,不再另行安排。重考或重修不合格累积4学分及以上者,按退学处理。 4. 在进行课程学习的同时,博士生需参与课题组的科学研究与学术活动,开展学位论文的前期工作。 | 五、博士候选人资格认证 | 1.博士候选人资格认证一般在第3学期末进行,由各二级学科成立博士候选人资格认证小组,组长由博士生导师组组长担任。 2.博士生在规定的时间内填写《华东理工大学博士候选人资格认证表》。 3.认证结果分四类 (1)通过者继续完成博士论文工作。 (2)明显不符合培养要求者,作退学处理。 (3)其他初次未通过博士候选人资格认证者,允许再参加一次认证,再次认证通过者可继续完成博士论文工作,再次认证仍未通过者,作退学处理。 (4)到期无故不参加认证者按不通过处理。 4.开题报告 博士生入学后在导师的指导下确定研究方向,通过查阅文献、收集资料和调查研究确定研究课题,在第3学期末前完成开题报告。开题报告须在本学科和相关学科专家参加的论证会上,就课题的研究范围、意义和价值、拟解决的问题、研究方案及研究进度等做出说明,并进行可行性论证,经过认可后才能进行课题研究。对于科研经费的来源、试验器材的采购和加工计划等应尽早提前考虑并采取相应的措施。 | 六、论文发表 | 按《华东理工大学关于研究生在学期间发表学术论文要求的暂行规定》执行。 | 七、学位论文与学位授予 | 学位论文应在导师指导下由博士研究生本人独立完成,学位论文必须是一篇系统、完整的学术论文。鉴于外国留学生的语言条件,来华留学研究生的论文可用中文或英文撰写和答辩。 博士学位论文的撰写格式按照《华东理工大学关于研究生学位论文格式的统一要求》执行。学位论文的评阅、答辩和学位申请与授予等工作按《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》和《华东理工大学学位授予工作细则》的规定进行。 研究生从事学位论文的工作内容及其所产生成果的知识产权属华东理工大学,与外单位联合培养研究生或联合开展毕业论文的,根据合作合同判定。 | 华东理工大学化学工程与技术一级学科国际留学博士研究生课程设置表 | (≥7学分,4个学习单元内完成) |
课程编号 | 课程名称 | 学位课 | 必修/选修 | 学时/学分 | 学习单元 | 任课教师 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 1.公共课(学位课) ,≥3学分 | 006D0701FFA001 | 微分方程数值方法 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 48/3 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 廖杰 | 2.专业课(学位课) ,≥4学分 | 001D0817FFB001 | 化学工程进展前沿讲座 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 袁渭康,刘殿华等 | 001D0817FFB002 | 能源化工 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | | |
| √ | | | | | 郭旭虹,王俊有 | 003D0836FFB001 | 微生物细胞信号转导 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 王启要,蔡孟浩 | 003D0836FFB002 | 生物工程进展 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | 鲍杰,高秋强 | 003D0710FFB001 | 分子生物学及其应用 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | 魏东芝,王华磊 | 008D0830FFB001 | 污染控制工程专论 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | √ | | | | | | | | 乔秀臣,林匡飞, 杨骥,刘勇弟 | 008D0830FFB002 | 高等环境化学专论 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | 修光利等 | 008D0830FFB004 | 环境研究方法 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 16/1 | √ | | | | | | | | 修光利等 | 008D0830FFB003 | 土壤及地下水污染控制修复理论与技术 | 学位课 | 选修课 | 16/1 | | | √ | | | | | | 吕树光等 |
| Chemical Engineering and Technology
(Discipline Code:0817) April 2017
The degree discipline of Chemical Engineering and Technology is a national key discipline, a top priority discipline in Shanghai, an earliest established subject of chemical engineering and chemical technology in China. The degree discipline is the first batch of master and doctor enrollment of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology, the first batch of post-doctoral researcher station, and the first batch of master of engineering, nationwide. Discipline development focuses on cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary research. In 2005, the enrollments of PhD students in secondary disciplines of Materials Chemical Engineering and of Process System Engineering are approved by the Ministry of Education. In 2008, the program is selected as the 985 Project Innovation Platform for “clean and efficient of China of coal and key technology of petroleum engineering”. | (1)Training Objective | The discipline is aimed at fostering chemical engineering with international high-end talent adapting to chemical engineering and technology, other related subjects and modern chemical industrial development. The objective requires graduate students with personality of social responsibility, excellent moral cultivation and academic ethics. In addition, graduates are expected to possess the fundamental theories and systematic professional knowledge, the spirit of innovation and teamwork and board international perspective. The graduate will be qualified for state-of-the-art research, education and management in modern chemical industries and related area. | (2)Academic Structure and Program Duration | The duration of program for master students is 3-4 years, with a maximum of 6 years; the course credits are valid for 6 years since the enrollment. | (3) Research Fields | 1. Chemical Reaction Engineering 2. Mass Transfer and Separation Engineering 3. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4. Environmental Chemical Engineering 5. Resources and Energy Chemical Engineering 6. Chemical Technology and Efficient Process Equipment 7.System Engineering ofChemical Process 8. Materials Chemical Engineering 9. Product Engineering | (4) Curriculums | 1. PhD students in the program must get at least 7 credits, and usually in the first four course periods after the enrollment. 2. Based on the principle of resource sharing, graduate students are encouraged to take the premium and corresponding academic courses which can meet the requirements of the disciplines in other universities. 3. The curriculum for doctor students is based on a credit system. Students who failed courses can retake the exams or retake the related courses; Students who retake the exams or the courses must obtain the qualification after a course selection, and the make-up examinations will be arranged in the following academic year along with the students of that academic year. No special exams will be arranged. Students who fail over credits after re-taking the exams or courses should quit the program. 4. During the course, PhD students must attend the academic project in a research group and prepare preliminary work of the dissertation. | (5) Certification of Doctor Candidate | 1. The doctor students are generally qualified at the end of the third semester. The PhD candidates' qualification committee is established by the secondary discipline. The director of PhD supervisor committee servers as the director of the qualification committee. 2. PhD students must fill up the form of <Doctor Candidate Qualification in East China University of Science and Technology>. PhD students must fill up the form of <PhD Candidate Qualification in East China University of Science and Technology>. 3. The qualification results are divided into four categories (1) Students are qualified and continue the thesis work for a PhD degree. (2) Students who are obvious not qualified for the degree requirements should quit the program. (3) Students who fail the first qualification exam are allowed to take a second PhD qualification exam. Students can continue to complete the PhD thesis work if they passing exam. Otherwise, students have to quit the program. (4) Students who don’t participate PhD qualification exam without any reasons have to quit the program. 4. Thesis Proposal PhD students should be clear of the research area under the guidance of supervisors after enrollment. After the literature search and reviews, students should confirm the research project and complete a thesis proposal at the end of the third semester. Thesis proposal should be reported in the demonstration meeting with experts in the related fields. The research area, significance, value of the project, problem to be solved, research proposal and progress of the projectetc should be discussed in the report. The feasibility of the project should also be verified in the report. The project can be carried out after the approval. The source of research funding, the purchase of equipments and the plan of material processing should be considered ahead of time. | (6) Publications The requirements of publications are determined by regulation of<Academic Requirements of Graduate Students During Education in East China University of Science and Technology: Provisional Version >. | (7)Thesis and Degree Awarding The thesis should be completed independently by the PhD students under the guidance of the supervisor. The thesis should be a systematic and complete academic paper. Considering the language conditions of foreign students, foreign students can write thesis and defense in English or Chinese. The format of the PhD thesis should be in accordance to <The format of graduate degree thesis in East China University of Science and Technology>. Thesis review, defense and degree application and awarding is carried out according to <Academic Regulations of the People's Republic of China: Provisional version> and <Regulations for the Granting of Academic Degrees from East China University of Science and Technology>. The intellectual property of the research and achievements involved in the thesis belongs to East China University of Science and Technology. In the case of graduate training program or thesis collaborated with other training institutes, the intellectual property will be judged based on the contract. | ECUST Graduate Courses for International Students The doctoral degree discipline of Chemical Engineering and Technology (≥7 credits. Completed in 4 study units) | | Course number | Course name | Degree course | Obligatory /Optional | Hour/Credit | Study unit | Lecturer | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | 1.Public Courses, ≥3 credits | | 006D0701FFA001 | Numerical Solution of Differential Equations | Degree Course | Optional | 48/3 | | | √ | √ | | | | | Jie Liao | | 2.Professional Courses, ≥4 credits | | 001D0817FFB001 | Lectures on Frontiers of Chemical Engineering | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | Weikang Yuan Dianhua Liu, ect. | | 001D0817FFB002 | Energy Chemical Engineering | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | | |
| √ | | | | | Xuhong Guo Junyou Wang | | 003D0836FFB001 | Signal Transduction in Microbial Cell | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | Qiyao Wang, Menghao Cai | | 003D0836FFB002 | Advances in Biotechnology and Bioengineering | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | √ | √ | | | | | | | Jie Bao, Qiuqioang Gao. | | 003D0710FFB001 | Molecular Biology & Its Applications | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | | | √ | √ | | | | | Dongzhi Wei, Hualei Wang | | 008D0830FFB001 | Pollution control engineering | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | √ | | | | | | | | Xiuchen Qiao,Kuangfei Lin, Ji Yang, Yongdi Liu | | 008D0830FFB002 | Advanced environmental chemistry | Degree Course | Optional | 32/2 | | √ | | | | | | | Guangli Xiu, ect. | | 008D0830FFB004 | Methodology for Environmental studies | Degree Course | Optional | 16/1 | √ | | | | | | | | Guangli Xiu, ect. | | 008D0830FFB003 | Remediation theory and technology of contaminated soil and groundwater | Degree Course | Optional | 16/1 | | | √ | | | | | | Shuguang Lu, ect. |